Sunday, November 16, 2008

From Boy Scouts to Pampered Chef

Well I (Wes typing) guess the day was about to come sooner than later.  After over five years working with the Varsity Scouts (14-15 year olds), I have been "fired".  Not really fired, but released from that position.  I am now the financial clerk for my church.
That leaves me with a little more time on my hands.  So have signed up (again) as a Pampered Chef Consultant.  I enjoy cooking and teaching people new recipes.  This will give me the opportunity to do just that and make some mula doing it.  So if you need consulting in the kitchen, let me know and I will square you away.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Well, we had our first "big" snow today - by "big" I mean that it stuck and Jen got to shovel the driveway. Good times. The dogs loved it, although it took Jalapeno at least 5 minutes to find her ball - but nothing will keep her from playing ball.