Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Star Wars vs Star Trek
Top Ten Reasons Why the Star Wars Characters Would Kick Ass in the Star Trek Universe.
10) In the Star Wars Universe weapons are rarely, if ever, set on "stun".
9) The Enterprise needs a huge engine room with an anti-matter unit and a crew of 20 just to go into warp --- The Millennium Falcon does the same thing with R2-D2 and a Wookie.
8) After resisting the Imperial torture droid and Darth Vader, Princess Leia still looked fresh and desirable --- After pithy Cardassian starvation torture, Picard looked like hell.
7) One word: Lightsabers.
6) Darth Vader could choke the entire Borg empire with one glance.
5) The Death Star doesn't care if a world is class "M" or not.
4) Luke Skywalker is not obsessed with sleeping with every alien he encounters.
3) Jabba the Hutt would eat Harry Mudd for trying to cut in on his action.
2) The Federation would have to attempt to liberate any ship named "Slave I".
1) Picard pilots the Enterprise through asteroid belts at one-quarter impulse power --- Han Solo floors it.
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
July Trip to Yellowstone and Grand Teton
Well, in July we went to Yellowstone National Park and Grand Teton National Park with our parents (yes, both sets of our parents - we all get along and have great times together!) We stayed at cabins that Jen's family has been staying at for 20 years. This is the barn next to the cabins - probably the most photographed barn in all of Grand Teton National Park.
We loved staying here. The buffalo would be right up next to the fence in the morning.
The first morning this particular buffalo was giving Jen the stinky eye.
Well, those are some highlights. We'll have to post more pictures of our trip as we get used to this blog thing!

MMA Debut
Wes made his MMA debut with the Ultimate Combat Experience. He showed what he was made of by submitting his competition in the first round via rear naked choke. It was an exciting bout that ought to be televised on the Salt Lake City channel 30 (KUCW) Sunday 21 Sept 3 pm. Both combatants got their licks in (as shown in picture). If we are able, we will put the bout on the blog. In the meantime, enjoy the after picture.

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